28 July 2010
Driving in Edinburgh
Normally I’m the adventurous type. So I was undaunted by the prospect of driving in Edinburgh. My friends from the UK assured me it was easier than driving in the U.S. I beg to differ on this point, now having driven in this fine city.
Finding the Rental place in Waverly station wasn’t a problem—the cab driver knew just where to go. Checking out, was fairly smooth. The attendant wanted to know if I wanted insurance. I said I already purchased insurance. She agreed, but said I had a 600.00GBP deductible. Hmm…I did some quick calculations, and realized that was almost 1000.00 dollars. She smiled charmingly at me.
“Would you like to purchase additional insurance for 6 GBP/day? It would relieve you of any responsibility should anything at all happen to the car.”
More calculations. 42.00 GBP, roughly 70 US dollars for no liability. “O.K.” I say.
She adds it on in the computer, prints the paperwork, and has both myself and my friend sign. Hands me keys and tells me, “You have a blue Mercedes.”
I blink, sure she couldn’t be talking to me. Taking the key fob she is handing me, I see that it is indeed a Mercedes. You have to understand. I’ve rented many cars. Never have I gotten one that was, well, nice, without asking. My smile broadens. She gives me directions for finding my rental, and away we go. The car, was a tiny four door model I’ve never seen before, but nevertheless very cute. We loaded the luggage and proceeded to drive out of the station, out of Edinburgh to Rosslyn Chapel in Midlothian.
Too bad we didn’t get far. The second round-about got me. On the backside of Holyrood Palace, the curb jumped out in front of me. I know that is what happened, because I was hugging the inside curb. I couldn’t possibly have run over the curb on the other side, going so slow, people were honking at me. Robyn yelled to go left, and I responded with, “I’ve got a flat tire.”
We pulled into the driveway of the Scotland Standard Newspaper building, in the rain, of course, to inspect the damage. Right passengers side flat tire. Thank god for insurance. The interesting thing about this is the fact that it happens often enough that they have a phone number solely devoted to changing tires for rental autos. I called the number, cursing the minutes I was using, and wondering what the phone bill was going to look like.
Within 45 a gentleman showed up in a bright orange van with RAC Rescue written on the hood. I had vowed I would not say I hit the curb. To my dismay there was no need to. He took one look, and said, “Hit the curb, did you?”
I smiled dolefully, holding my hand above my forehead with my thumb and forefinger in the shape of an L.
“Do you know what this means in American?” I asked him.
“No.” He replies starting to grin. I suspect he has an idea.
“It means I’m a big loser,” I say jokingly.
He laughs at this, while my friend asks him if this happens a lot.
He gives us a Cheshire cat grin. “Every day or two there is at least one American or Canadian who hits the curb and gets a flat.”
I breath a sigh of relief, feeling very much less a loser.
The next lesson for driving in Scotland would be regarding round-abouts. We drove to Rosslyn Chapel encountering a few, but navigated them fairly well. We toured Rosslyn Chapel about which I can only say, it is truly amazing. Afterward we walked to a local pub and ate, then headed toward our new destination, Inveraray. Getting to Inveraray was interesting to say the least. Getting through the round-abouts seemed to have escaped us. We spent what seemed like 45 minutes or so going between two round-abouts, trying to take the right road, but always ending up on the wrong road. There is only a finite number of times one can take hearing that annoying voice say, “recalculating”. I think it must have been the fifth try we got it right, and were going the right direction. You might be thinking to yourself, how can anyone get lost using a GPS? I’m not sure, but we managed to. I do now know however, that after at least 15 round-abouts, we learned that when the GPS says take the second exit, it really means stay on the same road you’ve been on, essentially going straight through the circle. Better the lesson learned late than not at all.
We eventually made it to Inveraray, and a wonderful room with a wonderful view. It’s 11:00 PM and finally dark. I think I’ll go to bed.
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